Possiblities with Prasad

Experience breakthroughs that lead to challenge your thinking, resulting in remarkable changes in careers, relationships and quality of life.

Possiblities with Prasad

Experience breakthroughs that lead to challenge your thinking, resulting in remarkable changes in careers, relationships, and quality of life.

One on One Leadership and Executive Coaching

For senior leaders i.e middle management and above up to CEO and CXO level who are looking for transforming their personal credibility, improving their leadership competencies..

Team Coaching

For organizations of any size looking for improving team bonding, develop trust levels within their top teams to meet the organizations goals..

Organization Development Coaching

For those organizations who are looking at revamping / changing or overhauling their culture to remain relevant in their industry. This is for those organizations who are looking..

One on One Leadership and Executive Coaching

For senior leaders i.e middle management and above up to CEO and CXO level who are looking for transforming their personal credibility, improving their leadership competencies..

Team Coaching

For organizations of any size looking for improving team bonding, develop trust levels within their top teams to meet the organizations goals..

Organization Development Coaching

For those organizations who are looking at revamping / changing or overhauling their culture to remain relevant in their industry. This is for those organizations who are looking..


I understand how important it is to have a support mechanism when you are stuck and unable to move forward in important areas of your life.

It is extremely important for you to become aware about your blind spots, and when they become visible, it’s an enlightenment to lead your lives with new beliefs, thoughts and actions.

Many people are either successful or happy, but very few are able to achieve both. Coaching is one of the disciplines which can help people achieve both without a trade-off.

At UniqCoach, I would like to reach out to every human being and make them aware about how coaching can change their lives—if only they really want to!
PPalav ICF-SCC Wallmount Certificate
Prasad Palav – CODC Certificate
Coaching certificate NLI
Enneagram Certificate

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Working together
for your better life

My Agenda is Your Agenda. Whatever you bring to the table does not remain just your goal, but it becomes my goal as well. The intensity with which you want to achieve your dreams is the same intensity that I bring in, by partnering with you in your mission. IT IS NOT YOUR DREAM; IT IS MY DREAM TOO!

Listen to their testimonials in their own words. click here

When I thought about my goals it seemed farfetched. I was so damn tensed about this whole thing that I felt, I am late to start the journey. Prasad Palav, my coach with whom I discussed these goals and then the journey started of ‘chasing my goals’.
This coaching session with Prasad helped me to
– Get clarity in my thoughts
– Understanding myself and reflect upon my thoughts and action
– Learn that every story has a secret ingredient to success and the secret ingredient is ‘you’ yourself and it needed a coach like Prasad to bring out the same.
– Marketing Head – MNC


I can vouch for the following benefits that occurred to me when Prasad coached me
1. My thoughts and aspirations acquired physicality​. I became aware of what I wanted. I became aware of the gaps and inconsistencies in my actions and aspirations and I could take corrective steps on time.
2. Best part of the exercise was that Prasad brought it out from me. It was my creation, my ideas, my innermost priorities, my beliefs that Prasad gave me access to. He did this by careful, focused and non-invasive probing till I saw it for myself. Since they the Goals, actions and strategies were my own, I could identify with them and this facilitated implementation.

– HR Head- Manufacturing Industry


Low confidence was one of the major issues I was facing before undergoing coaching. I can proudly say, that even after two years post coaching, I am a top performer in my region for last 4 quarters up from bottom quartile –
One more development, that I feel I have in me now is that I am now able to think of ways and means to come out of a chock-o-block situation. I believe the change is also because of a practice that we thought of during our sessions, we thought of doing anything in 5 different ways, and that is working well with me.

– Regional head of a Telecom Co.– West Bengal

Relationship-Manager-In Bank-UAE

It was Wonderful session with Mr Prasad Palav for almost 15 weeks & then followed by fortnightly & monthly tracking on personal request. This was a life changing Journey of self-introspection ,discovering black spot & the executing it with a sense of urgency ..the road was never easy & it will never be ..however your self-belief & clarity will make it more interesting enjoyable & smooth closure of your GOAL /Mission which will be acknowledged nothing less than a word ” WOW..
Thanks Prasad once again for a wonderful coach for making the life so interesting & enjoyable.
– Regional Head – Largest NBFC in India

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Experience One-to One Coaching at least once in your lifetime!
Experience One-to One Coaching at least once in your lifetime!
If you have to do Just one thing in this year, then we recommend you should Hire a Coach. Have listed all the questions that Executives and People have about Why should they hire a coach, whether its beneficial, When should they hire one, How to choose the right coach? and much more.
Are You Breaking Your Orbit?-Powerful Lessons from Mission Mangalyaan
Are You Breaking Your Orbit?-Powerful Lessons from Mission Mangalyaan
Watched Mission Mangal the other day. For those who haven't watched or unable to relate to this Bollywood Blockbuster, here is a quick glimpse. Mangalyaan - A Mars Mission by India, was successfully launched in 2014 by #ISRO, the equivalent of #NASA in India.
Uncomfortable Zone oR U(r) N(ew) Comfort Zone
Uncomfortable Zone oR U(r) N(ew) Comfort Zone
Quite often we have heard Leaders and Executives realize that it’s difficult to come out of their comfort zone. Well, comfort zone is a place where you are at ease. A space where you get a feeling of being safe and sound.

Complimentary 1 Hour Discovery session

I guarantee it will be a life-changing experience for you

Prasad Palav

prasad palav I am a Leadership, Executive and Organization Developmental Coach with a distinguished 19+ year career in Banking and NBFC’s Industries.

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